It has been a good start to summer and I know many people have been enjoying getting out for some well-deserved vacations. I will be taking some time the end of July for a hiking trip in the Adirondacks with several of my brothers and a brother-in-law.
I want to encourage you as you travel to keep this website handy:
With this you can find Mass virtually anywhere in America. Not only is this a great way to experience different parishes, it is an important way to grow your life of faith. A helpful measuring tool to rate the importance and priority of something in your life is the convenience marker. Do I do something only when it is convenient and easy or am I willing to do something when it is inconvenient for me? When something in my life – my life of faith, an important relationship, exercise, etc. – moves from being done only when it is convenient to even when it is inconvenient, a really important step has taken place.
When you are traveling you might be looking for some good material to listen to. Consider the Hallow app.
This app is a treasure trove of resources. I have been hearing from more and more people how much they appreciate it. I often will use it to pray the Rosary as I am driving or to listen to a Sunday homily on my drive back home for the day off. (I find it can be good to listen to someone other than myself!)
The Fr. Mike Schmitz Catholic Podcast: It is available on any podcast player or here at this link:
Fr. Mike is a great resource who can succinctly, clearly, and accessibly talk about any range of topics. I particularly enjoy these podcasts that are roughly 6-8 minutes on a wide variety of questions.
For the young men of our parish: there is a men’s discernment retreat coming up in July. It is geared for giving guys 16-25 tools for better discernment. Those who went last year took a lot away from it.
More information and registration can be found here:
God Bless,
Fr. Todd