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From The Principal 10/29/2023

Virtue of the week- Humility

We have been studying humility this week in morning prayer. The results have been glorious! I asked the children what humility looks like and they can tell me it looks like: "listening, not pushing to be first in line, turning in good work, helping someone who is hurt, fixing myself instead of judging others, good sportsmanship and praying for people who have hurt me." As we practice the virtue of humility, we can already see a change in the demeanor of our children. They are practicing this loving action in their daily routine.

It is such a blessing to watch the children blossom and turn into the wonderful people God has created them to be. As they grow in virtue and faith, they are discovering that they have many gifts to share with their classmates, sports teams, families and everyone they encounter. The humility that we are working on will strengthen their soul and help them to fight against the sin of pride as they continue to grow closer to God. We can see God working in each of them and it is a joy to see their progress already!

Francis de Sales says "the proud man who trusts in himself has good reason not to attempt anything. The humble man is all the more courageous because he recognizes his own impotence. The less he esteems himself, the more daring he becomes because he places his whole trust in God."

The 5th/6th Grade students are working on their All Saints Prize to present to the community on All Saints Day. It is a tradition at SHS for the older students to pick a saint, research, create art to represent the saint, dress up as their saint and present their project to the community. We award a Grand Champion, Grade Level Champion and Judge’s Award. It is a beautiful way for our students to challenge their skills and learn the power of sainthood!

God Bless,

Anne Atkin, principal

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