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Dear Sacred Heart and St. Mary on the Lake,

Many thanks to those who helped with our parish picnic last week. It is so nice to be able to have these large community events. This afternoon my family is holding its own little picnic with a 40 ft slip and slide playing center stage. It is one of the duties of being an uncle that I will need to race the nieces and nephews down it. A tough job but I think I can get through it!

August 15th is the celebration of the Assumption of the Blessed Mother. The Assumption celebrates the Blessed Mother’s Heavenly homecoming, body and soul into heaven. It is the Fourth Glorious Mystery of the Rosary. While this event is not recorded in Sacred Scripture, it is a belief held by the Fathers of the Church for 2,000 years. Mary did not sin. Therefore, it is believed that she, who was conceived without sin, ever virgin, and preserved free from every stain of sin throughout her earthly life simply went to sleep and woke up in The Father’s House.

Typically, this solemnity is a Holy Day of Obligation. This year however, since it falls on a Monday, the obligation is lifted. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops made the decision over 30 years ago that there is no obligation when the Holy Day occurs on a Saturday or a Monday. We will still have Mass at Sacred Heart on the 15th at 8am if you would like to celebrate our Blessed Mother’s Assumption.

Next Saturday, August 29th, Ron Stacey and Josh Bauer will be receiving the rite of candidacy. The Rite of Admission to Candidacy for Holy Orders is celebrated when a man has reached a maturity of purpose in his formation and has demonstrated the necessary qualifications for ordination. In the presence of the bishop, each man publicly expresses his intention to complete his preparation for Holy Orders and also his resolve to fully invest himself to that end, so as to best serve Jesus Christ and his Holy Church.

This will be received on the part of Ron Stacey because he was formally accepted into the Diaconate program for the Diocese of Lansing. For those in formation for the priesthood, it is received as a man enters his theological studies, which are the last part of his formation. Josh Bauer has finished his college portion of studies at St. John Vianney Seminary in MN, and will be entering theology studies at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit. God willing, they would both be ordained Deacons in three years. Ron Stacey as a permanent deacon, and Josh as a transitional Deacon to be ordained a priest one year later.

This will be celebrated at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish in East Lansing at their 4:30pm vigil Mass. If you would like to attend this Mass the address is 955 Alton Rd, East Lansing, MI 48823.

God Bless! Fr. Todd

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