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Blessings this weekend on the feast of Corpus Christi as we celebrate the profound way Jesus is present with us in the Eucharist.  At Sacred Heart this weekend, following the 11am Mass, we will have a Eucharistic procession that will go by the school, the food pantry, and end back at the Church. 


This coming Friday, June 7th, is the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.  On the occasion where a parish’s patronal feast doesn’t fall on a weekend (as is the case in our situation), we are permitted to celebrate it on the weekend.  That means next weekend at Sacred Heart we will be celebrating the feast of the Sacred Heart for all of our Sunday Masses instead of the 10th Sunday of Ordinary Time.  At the end of each Mass, we will pray together St. Margaret Mary Alacoque’s prayer of consecration to the Sacred Heart.  (Jesus revealed to her His Sacred Heart and from those encounters the devotion, and ultimately the name of our church, had its beginning.)  Following each Mass there will be soft serve ice cream available – vanilla, chocolate, or twist.  Many thanks to Dan and Alyssa Hartley for letting us use their machine and Ron and Neysa Stacey for providing the ice cream.  I am excited to be able to celebrate our feast day!


On Wednesday, June 19th, we will have another Theology on Tap that will be hosted at Butch’s Sports Bar in Hudson from 6-8pm.  We will begin by talking about the precepts of the Church – these precepts delineate the minimum effort we must make in prayer and in living a moral life.  (Not that we want to stay at the minimum but it is good to know what the minimum is!)  I am sure they will prompt questions, but any questions that night are welcome.  Fr. David, Fr. Ginu, Seminarian Peter, and I will be on panel to answer questions.  These are always enjoyable events. 



Peter Randolph, our seminarian intern, will be leading a five-week series on consecration to St. Joseph.  This series will follow our Bible Study times – so 6pm on Wednesday evening at Sacred Heart and 10am the next day at St. Mary on the Lake.  It will begin June 26th/27th and end July 24th/25th.  (July 4th does fall in there but Peter will have catch-up materials available as needed.  There wasn’t any way to work around that week.)  This will be a great follow up to the consecration to Mary that Fr. Seamus led a few years back when he was here for his internship summer.  The saints are and can be great friends for us.


James Bonar will be taking off at the end of the week for a bit over a month.  He will be taking part in a 30-day retreat with his fellow seminarians.  This is a powerful time of prayer.  I am grateful for his time with us and we will keep him in prayer as he is on retreat.  He will return at the end of July for a few weeks. 


I am sorry I don’t have any room here to talk more about the ongoing work of the pastoral plan – but we have two teams at each parish looking at aspects of the Sunday experience using the feedback from the two Discipleship Maker index surveys we took – more specifically at questions around music and hospitality as we strive to best serve our parishes.


As always it is great to see our summer families at St. Mary’s.  Enjoy the start of summer! 


God Bless,

Fr. Todd

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