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This weekend I asked Peter Randolph to introduce himself.  He will be coming to our parishes for his summer internship (early May though early August).  Much like our other interns, he will be a part of our parish life serving at Masses, helping out parish events, bringing communion to the homebound, and leading a series of talks. 


“My name is Peter Randolph, and I am a seminarian from Christ the King in Ann Arbor.  I am the oldest of seven children, and I have been a faithful Catholic my whole life.  I was homeschooled through high school, received my bachelors in Classical and Early Christian Literature at Ave Maria University in Florida, and entered seminary.  I am currently in my second year of the Configuration stage, and I hope to be ordained to the priesthood in 2026.


I enjoy reading and learning ancient languages (I can read, to some extent, Latin, Greek, and Hebrew), spending time outside, lifting weights, rucking (wearing weight in a backpack and walking), playing board games, cooking and baking, playing piano, and spending time with my family.


Jesus in the Eucharist is the core of my spiritual life.  Spending time with Him daily in the Eucharist and at Mass is one of the greatest joys and deepest foundations of my life.  I love Our Lady and many of the saints including Sts. John of the Cross, Elizabeth of the Trinity, Gemma Galgani, and Philip Neri.  I love delving into Scripture, which is part of the reason that I studied Latin and Greek, and find the Word of God a source of nourishment.  And, honestly, knowing Jesus is such a blessing.  He is with me in my suffering, but He is also so much fun and enjoys showing me how much He loves me.

I look forward to spending time at the parish and getting to know all of you over the course of the summer!”


In other news regarding Seminarians that we know, this year there are seven men being ordained transitional deacons!  They will minister as Deacons for this one year as they finish their time in seminary and then will be ordained priests the following June.  Of the seven, we have hosted three of them for a part of their time in formation: Daniel LaCroix, Randy Koenigsknecht, and Jack Jobst.  The Mass will be held at 10:30 am on Saturday May 11, at St. Thomas Aquinas, 955 Alton Rd., East Lansing. 


As a brother to Randy, it is going to be an especially joyous weekend for my family.  But a day of great joy for all of these men and a great blessing for our Diocese.  This will be the largest ordination class we have had in a long time.  Hopefully many of you can come to support them.  (If you have never been to an ordination Mass before, this is also a great opportunity!)


God Bless,

Fr. Todd 

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